Monday, July 9, 2012

Hope: 21 days of Posting (day 1)

It's funny how heading into the clouds can be a beautiful thing.
Beautiful bridge heading back to St. Simons from Jekyll Island on our fist family vacation...

So its been almost 2 years since my last post. Pretty sorry huh? That's the problem with some of us,... so many ideas and creative thoughts that its hard to focus our [my] energies and meet goals. Hence the phrase "Jack[ie] of all trades and the master of none."

Well lot's has been going on. In short, trials, tribulations and distractions (all allowed by my heavenly Father) have really rocked my world these last couple of years. It has been difficult loosing family to death, and having to create new boundaries for other members. I lost  a dear friend to suicide. And we moms and wives know that raising and maintaining healthy marriages and children is a constant challenge (sometimes more than others). I went back to work this passed school year to a Middle School where  World Languages (I'm a Spanish teacher) are essential to the curriculum, but I where I have no classroom to really teach the way I would like. We've been praying about moving churches. And just when I think it couldn't be any worse, I drive home one day to find my husband & kids marveling at something in front of our yard...

All I could see was a brick, so I parked on the street and ran to them. I look down and Curt, my husband had killed a copperhead by throwing a brick on it,... gross right? No, what's gross is that 15+ little baby coppers squirmmed out of its belly! THE SNAKE WAS PREGNANT! I got back in my car, drove into the driveway as if I was not disturbed. As I parked, I totally FREAKED!
Pregnant Copperhead that had been busted open! Little babies squirming about! Gross!

With my head on the steering wheel I asked "God, what are you doing?!" I had had enough! Nothing in my life seemed steady. All I had known to be comforting was no longer there. All that I had wanted to accomplish is still not done! ... or so I thought.

When I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior, when he sought me out, when he purposed my life, before creation began. He did not promise me perpetual bliss, sinless living on earth or a free and painless ride on the sanctification train! No, He promised to conform me season by season to the image of Christ. I had to DIE to myself. I had to let the Holy Spirit take ownership in my soul (he could not just be a renter). And like an ambitious home-owner, HE had been renovating this fixer-upper ...Me. Tearing down walls, ripping up floors, gutting out the things that have no good use and purpose in my life. (homeowner metaphor courtesy of this Sunday's sermon @Bluprint Church :))

I know this was deep; but for the next 21 days of posting, I am committing to sharing the GOOD He is producing in the midst of it all! The hope he gives in my daily life. The hope that has to be in place in order for us to "act-right," in the midst of our sufferings.
I don't know all the answers, but I invite you all on this 21-day journey.

 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28
A reminder of the hope and joy that is to come. Thank you for my family Lord!

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