Thursday, July 12, 2012

Faithfullness: (Day 4: 21 days of posting)

Today my sweet baby girl (yeah she's 5,.. I know, I know) did something that we have been working on her not doing. I was O.K. until she lied to me 3 times about it. I felt like it was time for a "bop, bop." I really didn't want to. I told her to go upstairs and that I would be right behind her. I prayed that the Lord would lead me and oversee what was about to happen. I trusted Him.

So, I get upstairs and begin to explain to my daughter why she was going to get a"bop, bop." She had such a lookof regret in her little eyes. Right as I was about to give the first "bop." I saw a female dear and her little spotted fawn walk into our front yard. They stopped right in front of Chloe's window! "A dear!" I said. Chloe looked at me "A dear?" as if she thought I was crazy,.. I'm sure she had her mind set and prepared for the "bop, bop."

I mean what do you do? A real dear stopping right in front of the window! Of course we went outside. They walked toward the woods bordering our property. I yelled "Hey dear!" They stopped and looked at us for about 30 seconds before going in the woods. Chloe and I went back to her room.

In light of the distraction and my post yesterday, I realized how closely that fawn was following its mom,...always looking to see which diriection she might take. It was totally dependent on her. The fawn needed security. At that moment that's what my little Chloe needed. I put the "bop" down, looked her in the eyes and said. "Baby, I love you. I love you no matter what. I love you right now. I love you when you lie to me. There is nothing you can do to change that. I picked her up and held her. She immediately gave the loudest screaming cry I had ever heard from her. I let her get it all out as I rocked her in my arms. When she finished, we had a good talk about obedience and lies. Then, we all got dressed and had a family outing at Noah's Ark Zoo.

Why the long story? I prayed that God would lead me and he did. He is faithful. I mean all I had to do was ask, and he sent a beautiful doe and fawn from his creation as a divine intervention. I am not saying you should never discipline your child with some sort of "bop, bop." I am saying that God is faithful, and if you ask, he will lead you.

I'm trying to be faithful with some things myself. I have gained 13lbs in the last 3-4 months. So that makes me 5'4" weighing in at 140! So I went to the gym today to begin a (hopefully) faithful journey in fitness. I should DEFINITELY pray that same prayer right!?
Workin it out to Trip Lee's " The Good Life" Record!
The "Before" photo

Wow, I've got my work cut out for me in a word where the "Real Bacon Bits" display is next to the health drinks!

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