Tuesday, July 10, 2012

From the Playroom to the Office

If we're honest, as we look back over our lives, we can see clearly distinct seasons. There are those fresh Springlike seasons when everything is new, or when we got a fresh start in some area(s) in life. There are those Summers, when celebrations are happening, people are together, relationships are strong,.. There are the Autumn-like seasons when some of our spent blooms begin to wilt and things may be a bit moderate. And oh, the Winters... wow,... signs of life are not easily seen. The coldness in your circumstances can keep you distant from the ones that love you the most (True love, not that emotional stuff:) ). The crisp cold air can make it even hard to take a deep breath,...

I am not sure what type of season I am heading into, but a new one is definitely approaching. My husband and I are 30 yrs. old, our kids are walking, talking, reasoning with us,... I think we are all feeling a bit more grown up. All the while not boasting,.. just recognizing the changes around me.

A manifestation of this change is getting ORGANIZED!!! AHHHHH! ...It (organize) used to be a bad word, and to those of you who know me, you know what a creative mess I can be! ... With the help and leadership of my husband (this organization thing makes me like  a fish out of water!) We turned our playroom into an office!

Not to worry, the toys are still here,.. just in better suited places. Seems simple,.. but oh what peace there comes in being efficient and purposeful in your choices brings.
Kids Space. Can't wake to "IKEA" or Craigslist or Thrift it up!
A little fresh-picked inspiration from my garden! Lavender, Roze, Zinnia, & Balm Lemon...
Hubby enjoying his new space! Master photographer doing post processing...

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