Thursday, July 19, 2012

On Loosing Weight: Git Git Git it!

I went to Starbucks a couple of days ago to prepare for an interview and saw this on a magazine cover:
Umm,..Our "Bikini Ready" is going to look a little different
I thought to myself,... "Wow, is this what they are selling to us 30+ women? I am not saying it is unattainable for all of us. I am saying that its unrealistic and I definitely don't think this should be a cover photo for an article on "Women's Health."

I mean, for the majority of us who look at a magazine like this while in the check out line, does it send the message of "Yes! I can," or "Wow, I'll never be able to..." wherever you stand,...I am almost certain that there are mixed messages that pop up in our heads when we see something like this.

If you have been following this blog, you know that I put on about 13 lbs in about 4-6 months. I had decided to loose some of that. Since I started, a week ago, I've lost 4 LBS!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaye!

The kids lunch
Here's how I did it,

Click if you'd like to buy a copy

I DID- get up in the mornings, and meditated over my day in the Wordand in the practical things I want to accomplish. 
My son flexing after packing his mouth with Kale!
I DID NOT- focus on the negative things (that includes that new jiggly tire around my waist! LOL)
I DID- Eat lots of salad with hearty greens (Kale & Spinach), egg whites for protein, and measured my salad dressing. For more
I DID NOT- say "Hey, I'm going on a diet!" and then go grocery shopping and put the same old things in the cart!
I DID- Incorporate the whole family's meals with my diet foods.
I DID NOT- Try to go at this thing alone. For example, they ate what I did plus some whole grain carbohydrates.
I DID - Work out on that elliptical to Trip Lee's "The Good Life" for 35 minutes. This CD has
changed my world! I love a good beet and the
Lord, finally I can have both without
compromising music quality or mybeliefs! I
recommend you see what a little $5.99 can do for
you! (Click his photo)
My favorite Hip-Hop CD! Click photo to buy a copy ($5.99)
Hah! Good-bye Kanye's "Workout Plan" lol!  (Still working on doing it more than once a week,'s a start right? *Work in Progress*)
I DID NOT- Flip to Netflix or Reality TV (ooooh,.. I wanted to!) Get chips & Queso Dip, wine and "relax" (by the way, exercise provides more stress relief than the above activity).

Keep your head up ladies! I also found this book to be very helpful as well ;)

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